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1.5 Open Bore MRI Heading

OFMC’s Imaging Department encompasses several divisions of imaging modalities, of which our 1.5 Open Bore MRI is included.


MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) provides high quality

images of internal tissues and organs. Unlike with a CT scan,

there is no radiation involved in the scan. A MRI is a

noninvasive way for your Physician to see and evaluate the

area or organ in question and thus be able to diagnose and

treat the patient.


Our new 1.5 Open Bore MRI allows for:

  • 60% of scans done head-out

  • Shorter scan times

  • Greater patient access and comfort with 70 cm Open Bore

  • Shortest MRI system with 125cm system length (cover to cover)

  • Superior image quality vs Open MRI


The Radiological Technologists at Ocala Family Medical Center are skilled in their field and will provide you with all of the information you need for your study.

MRI Machine


Ocala Family Medical Center

2230 SW 19th Avenue Road

Ocala, FL 34471

Phone: 352-237-4133

Fax: 352-873-4581


*We accept outside orders for MRI's.

ACR Logo

OFMC's 1.5 Open Bore MRI (right) vs. Open MRI (left)

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