OFMC’s Imaging Department encompasses several divisions of imaging modalities, of which our 64 Slice CT is included.
CT scans provide an in-depth look at the anatomy of the body. With our 64 Slice CT, one rotation of the X-Ray source provides 64 images. This decreases both table time for the patient as well as their X-Ray exposure. CT scans are safe, noninvasive and are well-tolerated by patients.
Our CT machine is equipped with Care Dose which insures our patients receive the lowest dose of x-ray possible during their scan.
The Radiological Technologists at Ocala Family Medical Center are skilled in their field and will provide you with all of the information you need for your study. Certain studies require the patient to drink an oral contrast, which will be provided to you by OFMC.
Ocala Family Medical Center
2230 SW 19th Avenue Road
Ocala, FL 34471
Phone: 352-237-4133
Fax: 352-873-4581
*We accept outside orders for CT Scans.